纽约男子爬加州高山 挖土找石被压10小时 虽奇迹生还 但几乎以生命危险给我们安全警示:不要动山上的一草一木或一石一土
胡玉亮:家庭财务全衡优化 财商普及专题讲座
捷拍音乐中心:音乐课程学习 音乐素养提升
想学吉他去哪里? 牟川吉他教室
世界这么大 快来跟蜂鸟旅游一起出发吧!
最近大家可能都注意到了一则新闻,说的是纽约一名28岁的男子Kevin DePaolo,在12月5日跟好友Joshua Nelson在加州的内华达山脉爬山。熟料,他被一块重达5吨的巨石压住,在经历长达10个小时的痛苦后,所幸被营救后奇迹生还。
With the help of California Highway Patrol Central Division Air Operations helicopter H40, two rescue team members were inserted via helicopter to Santa Rita Flat, while seven other team members followed in vehicles navigating a network for four-wheel drive roads. But no suitable landing sites were in the vicinity, so a US Navy medic rappelled from the chopper to pluck DePaolo from the scene and rush him to a hospital in Fresno.
I was kind of digging under this big boulder, and I had thought it was leaned up against this other boulder. I didn’t know that it was actually on this loose sand.
New York Post
DePaolo, an experienced hiker, said he was digging in the sand on a hillside near Santa Rita Flat looking for rocks when the boulder came loose and landed on him, which he said felt like “getting hit by a fridge”.
Guardian News
据Kevin DePaolo自己描述和媒体报道,他当时在这块巨石下的一个斜坡上挖土寻找什么石头,他以为这块巨石跟旁边的另外一块巨石是互相斜靠紧的,但是其实不然。当他挖松石头下面的泥土时,石头开始松动,并且象一个大冰箱一样迅速压下来。