居家隔离令 | 最新爬山须知!
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世界这么大 快来跟蜂鸟旅游一起出发吧!
“居家隔离令”(Shelter in Place)3月17日已经开始实施,但是还是有很多人搞不清楚究竟允不允许去爬山,有哪些注意事项等等。今天我们就再来研究一下有关的细节。
什么是Essential Activities?
湾区七个县商讨的居家隔离令,其中允许开放的Essential Services如下:
- City/County government services: police stations, fire stations, hospitals/clinics and healthcare operations, jails, courts, garbage/sanitation, transportation including BART and Caltrain (use of public transportation is limited to essential required travel only), utilities (water, power and gas), and city offices 市和县的政府服务
- Gas stations 加油站
- Pharmacies 药店
- Food: Grocery stores, farmers markets, food banks, convenience stores, take-out and delivery restaurants 杂货店、农夫市场等,餐馆只能提供外卖
- Hardware stores/plumbers/electricians and those who provide services necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences. 五金、水暖工、电工等
- Banks 银行
- Community benefit organizations on a case-by-case basis 社区福利组织
- Laundromats/laundry services 洗衣店
- Cemeteries 墓地
In regards to leaving your home under an order, they say travel out of the county is allowed “only to perform ‘essential activities,’ operate ‘essential businesses,’ or to maintain ‘essential governmental functions,’ as those terms are defined in the Order. Otherwise, the answer is ‘no’ because that travel puts you and others in the community at risk.”
这里反复提到Essential activities。如果你要出门,必须是去从事不得不做的事情;否则,呆在家里。
Shopping for food and exercise are both considered “essential activities,” but Andy Lynch, a spokesperson for San Francisco Mayor London Breed’s office, said this is where people need to use their best judgement.
出门购买食物和锻炼被认为是必不可少的行为,Essential Activities。市长办公室发言人说,这需要人们使用自己的最佳判断。
“The main spirit of the order is, to the extent possible, you should remain at home,” Lynch said. “Just because something is allowable doesn’t mean you should do it. This is about preventing the spread of what’s a highly transmittable disease.”
Going on a hike outside of your county for exercise violates the spirit of the order because it is not necessary to leave your county to go on a hike. Leaving the county entirely to go to your vacation home is not permitted because you could contribute to the spread of the virus.
What happens if you do leave your county? Police Chief Bill Scott said at the news conference that violations of the order are punishable by a misdemeanor, but “that is an absolute last resort.”
“We are going to take a compassionate, common-sense approach,” Scott said. “We are looking for voluntary compliance.”
网传有人出门因为跟朋友说话没有保持6英尺的距离被罚款$400等等,因为都是听朋友说,所以无从查考。但是如果严重违反法令,被罚款也是合情合理合法的。只是在特殊事情,我们既不能造谣,也不能信谣,更不能跟着传谣。详见:居家隔离令 | 出门罚$400?你和你朋友一起在传谣!
必须满足“社交隔离”(Social Distancing)的要求
- 个体与个体之间保持至少6英尺的距离。
- 抹上肥皂洗手至少20秒以上,而且要经常洗,也可以使用洗手消毒液。
- 咳嗽或打喷嚏时用袖子、手肘捂住,而不是用手。
- 对高频率使用的表面要进行常规性的清洁。
- 不能握手。